Sick of the air-con on, air-con off battle?
Picture this: it’s 40 degrees outside (well it’s 38 but with Perth humidity, that may as well be 40), you’ve arrived home from your 30-minute commute in the sweltering heat, and you’re ready for some respite inside. But it’s not to be. You didn’t close all the window shutters this morning, and not wanting to leave the air-conditioning on, you’ve returned home to find that the temperature inside resembles the Sahara Desert outside.
But with a Hybrid Home this daily summer struggle is no more.
Using a mix of modern, energy efficient, building materials means that we’ve created a home that works smarter, not harder. We’ve produced a more comfortable home, a home which reduces the use of heating and cooling appliances, resulting in a smaller energy bill.
Our Hybrid Homes are built with consideration of solar passive design philosophies, so that windows, walls and floors are created to reject solar heat during our scorching summer, and will collect, hold and dispense heat in the winter.
Sick of the air-con on, air-con off, air-con on again battle? For a more comfortable, energy efficient home, enquire about a Hybrid Home today.
Hybrid Homes by mygen are a new kind of home designed for tomorrow. Embracing innovative construction materials and techniques, we are passionate about building homes that are energy efficient, environmentally conscious and offer complete design freedom without the price tag.